Montessori Cottage Bed

Mattress dimensions:
Choose your favorite color, contact us, and we will design a personalized 3D model for you.

Montessori Cottage Bed, in this first house-shaped bed, you won't be afraid of your little one sleeping alone. Give them the autonomy to move freely and create their first dreams.

You can complete it with our barriers of different sizes. In this version of their first house-shaped bed, dressed in our classic tipi, you won't be afraid of your little one sleeping alone. Give them autonomy to move freely and create their first dreams and the most fun games, peek-a-boo!

Outer dimensions are 10cm (3.93 inch) wider and longer than the mattress.

STEP 1: In case the product has the 3D button - "Click on the button"

(it usually takes a few seconds, good things come to those who wait!).

STEP 2: Play with colors and designs.

STEP 3:The 3D design tool is in Spanish, but it is very intuitive. The translations of the main items are:

  • Estructura = Structure
  • Frente = Front
  • Tirador = Handle

STEP 4: You can click on the hamburger button (the three lines) and select PDF to download the created image and share it with your family or interior designer.

STEP 5: Choose the model, size, and color on the product tab and click Add to Cart (to purchase directly if you live in Spain).

Or you can contact us for a quote on the furniture via chat, email, phone, or Whatsapp.

If you live in Madrid, come and visit us!


Once the customer accepts the product, it is considered to be in perfect condition. If there is any incident during delivery, such as a missing package or damaged furniture, it must be noted on the delivery note to be attended to and communicated to the company within a maximum period of 72 hours after receipt.

Any incidents, doubts, or problems during installation should be communicated to the company as soon as possible for a solution or improvement.


For merchandise defects attributable to Muba, current European regulations apply.